TFS Takasago Fluidic Systems

Shipping costs for STORE (Online Ordering)

Shipping Method: FEDEX Economy

Currency: All prices below are US dollars (USD).

Please contact us for shipping costs if your region is not listed below; thank you.

Package Weight China/Taiwan Southeast Asia Indonesia India/Australia United States Canada/Mexico South America Europe Middle East Africa
6.9kg and up $249 $255 $256 $330 $357 $356 $321 $382 $422 $449
4.4kg–6.899kg $218 $231 $233 $280 $322 $322 $294 $334 $385 $410
1.9kg–4.399kg $146 $168 $168 $197 $251 $252 $226 $236 $288 $400
0kg–1.899kg $71 $75 $74 $97 $103 $103 $116 $129 $146 $146

Note 1: We calculate the shipping costs by FEDEX economy shipping and update shipping costs, which may change without notice. We appreciate your understanding.

Note 2: Due to production time, we ship the product within 3-4 weeks from ordering.