Worldwide Sales Network
Takasago has strong global business, supporting service contacts all over the world. You can buy our solenoid valves and other products around the world. Please click your location and you can see the list of our distributors in your area. If there is no local representation in your country, please feel free to contact us at for any inquires.

■ Global Contact
Company Name | Location |
Takasago Fluidic Systems | 1900 West Park Drive, Suite 280, Westborough, MA 01581 U.S.A. Phone:+1 508 983 1434 FAX:+1 508 983 1401 |
Takasago Electric, Inc. | 66 Kakitsubata, Narumi-cho, Midori-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 458-8522 Japan Phone:+81-52-891-2301 FAX:+81-52-891-7386 |
Country | Company Name | Location |
USA | Takasago Fluidic Systems | 1900 West Park Drive, Suite 280, Westborough, MA 01581 U.S.A. Phone:+1 508 983 1434 FAX:+1 508 983 1401 |
Clark Solutions | 10 Brent Drive, Hudson, MA 01749, USA Phone:+1 978 568 3400 FAX:+1 978 568 0060 |
Country | Company Name | Location |
China | Takasago Electric (Suzhou) Co., Ltd |
Block B#06-01-08, No.5, Xinghan Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China Phone:+86 512 6761 0522 FAX:+86 512 6761 0533 |
India | Sandur Fluid Controls Pvt. Ltd. | # 85/N, Belavadi Compound, 2nd Stage, Industrial Suburb, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore - 560 022, India. Phone: +91-80-4122 8272 +91-80-4151 0097 |
StanMat Scientific | 101, Shri Krishna Bhavan CHS, Janardan Vaity Marg, Uthalsar, Thane (W) – 400601, Maharashtra, India. Phone:+91-9757473757 |
Korea | Unison Electric company | #1902, HALLA SIGMA VALLEY, 545 Dunchon-daero, Jungwon-gu, seongnam-si, Gyeongi-do, 13215 Korea Phone:+82 31 705 1791 FAX:+81 31 705 0056 |
Country | Company Name | Location |
Austria | BMT Fluid Control Solutions GmbH | Max-Planck-Str. 16 61381 Friedrichsdorf Germany Phone:+49 6101 95400-30 FAX:+49 6101 95400-39 |
Belgium | Distrilab BV | Leusderend 6 3832 RC Leusden The Netherlands Phone:+31 33 4947834 FAX:+31 33 4321441 |
Denmark | Iversen Trading ApS. | Sintrupvej 7 Dk-8220 Brabrand, Denmark Phone:+45 8624 3311 FAX:+45 8624 4280 |
Finland | Teddington AB | Speditionsvagen 17 SE-142 50 SKOGAS, Sweden Phone:+46 8 505 207 60 |
France | Sercom France / A2V SAS | Parc Bel Air la Foret Rambouillet 6 Rue Maryse BASTIE 78125 GAZERAN France Phone:+33 1 61 08 62 19 FAX:+33 1 34 83 97 38 |
FLOW TECHNIQUE | AEROPARC 1 BATIMENT LATITUDE 19, RUE ICARE 67960 ENTZHEIM Phone:+33 3 90 20 24 37 FAX:+33 3 51 12 21 41 |
Germany | BMT Fluid Control Solutions GmbH | Max-Planck-Str. 16 61381 Friedrichsdorf Germany Phone:+49 6101 95400-30 FAX:+49 6101 95400-39 |
Hungary | Pilla2000 Bt. | 2045 Torokbalint Szeles u. 10. HUNGARY Phone: +36 20 9820 535 Fax: +36 23 337 850 |
Ireland | Orion Valves Ltd | Unit E8,Arena Business Centre 9 Nimrod Way Ferndown Dorset BH21 7SH, UK Phone:+44 1202 862403 FAX:+44 1202 862404 |
Italy | SATEC S.R.L | VIA ULISSE SALIS, 40 - MILANO Phone:+39 02 36586477 or +39 02 36586478 FAX:+39 02 - 89059623 |
The Netherlands | Distrilab BV | Leusderend 6 3832 RC Leusden The Netherlands Phone:+31 33 4947834 FAX:+31 33 4321441 |
Norway | Teddington AB | Speditionsvagen 17 SE-142 50 SKOGAS, Sweden Phone:+46 8 505 207 60 |
Sweden | Teddington AB | Speditionsvagen 17 SE-142 50 SKOGAS, Sweden Phone:+46 8 505 207 60 |
Switzerland | BMT Fluid Control Solutions GmbH | Max-Planck-Str. 16 61381 Friedrichsdorf Germany Phone:+49 6101 95400-30 FAX:+49 6101 95400-39 |
Valve Technology AG | Rotfarbweg 15, 8594 Guettingen, Switzerland Phone:+41 715112 14 5 FAX:+41 715112 14 6 |
United Kingdom | Orion Valves Ltd | Unit E8,Arena Business Centre 9 Nimrod Way Ferndown Dorset BH21 7SH, UK Phone:+44 1202 862403 FAX:+44 1202 862404 |